The Bowden Group & Associates
Integrated Investigative, Security, Livescan Fingerprinting and Transportation Services
"A multifaceted company serving the needs of our clients with excellence and due-diligence"

We conduct professional lectures and trainings at colleges/universities
Welcome to our Specialized Training Section
We are excited you took the time to visit our training section. Mr. Bowden sets precedence relative to continued training and higher education as the catalyst to establish the foundation of greatness and integrity that this company is built upon.
His continued investment into the lives of his associates and everyone he comes in contact with continuously propels this company to be set apart from its competition. It allows us to constantly perfect our craft through new innovative techniques, technologies and strategies that positions our team to increase the efficiency we provide our clients.
We encourage investing in our employees and clients and provide an array of trainings that will enhance your company as a whole.

Our security, investigations, and criminal justice trainings we provide:
- Crisis Management
- Fraud Analyst Training
- DEA Drug Certification
- ATF Handgun Recognition
- Fire and Arson Investigations
- Security Consulting and Training
- Reid Interview and Interrogations
- Background Investigation Training
- Risk Management and Assessment
- Firearms Training and Certification
- Insurance Fraud and Investigations
- Recognition of Deceptive Behaviors
- Intelligence and Information Sharing
- Quality Compliance and Management
- Money Laundering Schemes Training
- LLC Homicide Investigation Leadership
- Active Shooter - Active Assailant Training
- FBI Identity Theft and Fraud Investigations
- Regional White Collar Crimes Investigations
- Frances Glessner - Lee Homicide Investigation
- Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Training
- Physical De-escalation and Restraining Techniques
- LEEDA/ Lifelock Identity Theft and Fraud Investigations
- Maryland Association of Banks Identity Theft and Fraud Investigations
Corporate Trainings we provide:
- Team Building
- Culture Diversity
- Character Building
- Crisis Management
- Crisis Intervention
- Verbal De-Esclation
- Interpersonal Skills
- Leading by Example
- Stress Management
- The Power of Respect
- Professional Boundaries
- Effective Communication
- The Value of Peer Mentoring
- Workplace Domestic Violence
- Conflict Resolution/Interventions
- Leadership Styles and Development
- Community Restorative Practices
- Understanding the power of Energy
- Bridging Generational Gaps in the Workplace
- The Power of Unique Gifting's in the Workplace
- Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace
- The Importance of Understanding Personality Types
- Creating Positive Workflows and Healthy Environments
- Successfully Working Together in a Diversified Company